
Weather Intelligence for Utility Safety

Utilities have the complex task of ensuring a reliable, cost-effective supply of services to their customers in the face of increasing weather threats. Tempest Weather is uniquely positioned to deliver timely onsite weather intelligence, enabling utilities to prioritize the safety of their crews, communities and infrastructure, while effectively monitoring and responding to these threats.

  • Wildfires: Monitor winds, temperatures, humidities and NWS red flag warnings alongside the Daily Situational Awareness Tool (DSAT) to minimise utility wildfire ignitions and maximize operational safety.
  • Lightning: Monitor current lightning strikes for potential wildfire ignition, and to schedule followup asset inspections.
  • High Winds: Monitor high winds and NWS high wind warnings to maintain crew safety during bucket and tower operations.
  • Extreme Rainfall: Monitor rainfall and flood warnings for flood impacts and, along with high winds, for treefall impacts.
  • Heat: Monitor high temperatures to anticipate line sag, peak demand needs for customers, and heat stress so you can deploy crews coincident with safer working conditions.

How it works


Customize Your Solution

Purchase TempestOne Weather Systems for insights at operationally critical locations, or upgrade to a custom TempestOne Enterprise Plan. Build your Enterprise solution from a suite of available components:

  • Tempest Network Datasets
  • Nearcast Technology Products
  • TempestOne Operations Console
  • Daily Situational Awareness Tool (DSAT) 
  • Premium Lightning
  • Customized Alerting
  • TempestOne API

Plus Enterprise customers get priority support and a 25% discount and 4 year extended warranty on all hardware.


Tempest Network

Access the existing Tempest Network of over 80,000 stations in the TempestOne Console or through the Tempest API and get the richest weather insights available, including accurate hyper-local neighborhood-level observations and AI forecasts at each Tempest station location that learn from the history of network observations. 

Still have gaps around critical infrastructure or across portions of your service area? Strengthen your network with low-cost, rapidly deployable, and low-maintenance weather stations. Two ways to do that:

  1. Install well-sited TempestOne Weather Systems at critical locations providing the utility with high-quality data where it’s needed.

  2. Engage your customers through the Tempest Alliance Program. Encourage your members to install Tempest Home Weather Systems with exclusive purchase incentives. Tempest handles sales and support - your utility gets the data while enhancing community resilience.

TempestOne Console

real-time situational awareness & decision suite

Our powerful situational awareness and alerting interface provides real-time monitoring of weather conditions across your service area. Use interactively or set up customized views for control center displays:

  • Comprehensive surface observations from a wide variety of sources provide detailed real-time and historic weather insights on the ground. Sources include Tempest Network, ProNet, RAWS, NWS, ASOS and many others including your current custom sources.
  • Daily Situational Awareness Tool (DSAT) map layer for wildfire awareness and risk mitigation.
  • High resolution radar & satellite map layers provide visualizations of present weather.
  • NWS and NHC warnings, including red flag, high wind & tropical cyclone.
  • Custom AI point forecasts and map layers.
  • Tropical cyclone layer with NHC track and cone forecasts during Atlantic and Pacific storms.
  • Real-time lightning map layer for crew safety, wildfire threat recognition and infrastructure damage.
  • User configurable alerts based on observation and/or forecast values.
  • Historic data download.
  • Utility service area & asset map layer.

Tempest Weather API

Pull any data available in the TempestOne Console into your existing systems with the powerful Tempest API.

  • Manageable - Get one API key to streamline your data access to all your TempestOne systems.
  • Fast & Reliable - Host on AWS, we pride ourselves on speed of delivery and uptime, so that our service is always available.
  • Scalable - Bulk endpoints allow you to access thousands of stations efficiently.
  • Weather Anywhere - Get current and forecast weather at any lat-lon location and benefit from nearby Tempest observations and the point AI forecasts.



We provide ready-to-use marketing materials to help you promote Tempest to your customers so you can get weather insights from all corners of your service area. We handle all order fulfillment and support and your customers get the best weather station on the market at discounted prices for their own needs. See how it works for Powder River Energy Corporation:

From our Partners

Powder River Energy Corporation

PRECorp is Northeastern Wyoming's preferred energy source, serving more than 12,000 members.  Realizing quality, local weather data was scarce, PRECorp partnered with Tempest to deploy a network of weather stations at each electric sub-station in the region.  They also promoted the sale of Tempest Weather Systems to their members at a discount.  Now quality weather data comes from all corners of northeast Wyoming and contributes to PRECorp field operations, wildfire risk assessments, and related decision making.

Blue Ridge Energy

Blue Ridge Energy is a cutting-edge, member-owned electric cooperative in eastern North Carolina leading the way with cost-saving solutions to benefit their members. The team at Blue Ridge was looking for an efficient way to monitor variable weather conditions across their topographically-complex service area, leading to a partnership with WeatherFlow-Tempest to access the wealth of existing weather data from the Tempest Network. They also implemented the Utility Alliance Program to promote Tempest Weather Systems to their members, further expanding their neighborhood-level network of real-time weather observations in an area previously limited to very few NOAA observations. Their use cases for Tempest insights include line icing, lightning strikes, and heating and cooling demand, resulting in more efficient operations to save members money and enhance community safety.

Florida Keys Electric Cooperative

The Florida Keys Electric Cooperative (FKEC) utility serves 33,000 customers in the Upper and Middle Keys. FKEC originally contracted with WeatherFlow Networks to install professional-grade weather observing stations off the coastal waters to measure strong storms including hurricanes. When the Tempest Home Weather System was introduced, FKEC was one of the first utility providers in the country to offer weather stations through our Utility Alliance Program to their customers in an effort to gain better understanding of the micro-climates along the Florida Keys. Data from both the WeatherFlow Networks and the Tempest Network is quality controlled and streamlined for delivery via the TempestOne Ops Console and Tempest Network API. This super set of weather data provides critical real-time weather conditions and enhanced, point-specific forecasting to help save energy and resources both at member homes and collectively for the service area.

Get started today!

Discuss your needs with an expert today and learn how Tempest can help make your operations safer.

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