Wildfire Weather & Mitigation Technology Partnership

With wildfire risks dramatically increasing over recent years, Tempest and Vantage Point have teamed up to provide utilities with cost-effective, real-time wildfire safety and risk mitigation decision-making tools. Customized to the utilities’ service area and operational practices, the utility can make informed operational decisions to prioritize the safety of its employees, power supply reliability and member interests:

→   Easily identify periods of high wildfire risk 

→   Effectively implement daily wildfire protocols

→   Minimize utility-caused ignitions

→   Manage recloser and de-energizing decisions

→   Lower utility wildfire risk and liability

→   Satisfy wildfire mitigation plan requirements

→   Protects community interests

How it works

DSAT & TempestOne Console


Daily Situational Awareness Tool (DSAT)

DSAT provides a 6-day wildfire risk assessment based on a proprietary wildfire risk algorithm tailored to your service area, including recommended field operating conditions and allowable job activities given the current fire risk conditions. DSAT sits as a map layer within the TempestOne Console, providing:

  • Wildfire field operating conditions forecast for today and 5 days out
  • Operationally friendly and easy-to-interpret daily wildfire risk analysis
  • Customized zones for your service territory
DSAT operating zones are customized based on topography, vegetation, assets, populations, and prevailing weather conditions within your service area. Fire risk is assessed across these zones using decades of learned wildfire weather insights to provide clear, actionable 6-day operating forecasts tailored to your territory.

TempestOne Console

Our powerful situational awareness and alerting interface provides real-time monitoring of weather conditions across your service area. Use interactively or set up customized views for control center displays:

  • Comprehensive surface observations from a wide variety of sources provide detailed real-time and historic weather insights on the ground. Sources include Tempest Network, ProNet, RAWS, NWS, ASOS and many others including your current custom sources.
  • Daily Situational Awareness Tool (DSAT) map layer for wildfire awareness and risk mitigation.
  • High resolution radar & satellite map layers provide visualizations of present weather.
  • NWS and NHC warnings, including red flag, high wind & tropical cyclone.
    Custom AI point forecasts and map layers.
  • Tropical cyclone layer with NHC track and cone forecasts during Atlantic and Pacific storms.
  • Real-time lightning map layer for crew safety, wildfire threat recognition and infrastructure damage.
  • User configurable alerts based on observation and/or forecast values.
  • Historic data download.
  • Utility service area & asset map layer.

Build a Wildfire Weather Network

Access the existing Tempest Network of over 80,000 stations in the TempestOne Console and get the richest wildfire weather insights available. Fill wildfire weather knowledge gaps around critical infrastructure or across portions of your service area with low-cost, low-maintenance and rapidly-deployable weather stations by:

  1. Installing well-sited TempestOne Weather Systems at critical locations providing the utility with high-quality data where it’s needed.

  2. Engaging your customers through the Tempest Alliance Program. Encourage your members to install Tempest Home Weather Systems with exclusive purchase incentives. Tempest handles sales and support - your utility gets the data while enhancing community resilience. 
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About Vantage Point

Vantage Point is a premier engineering and consulting firm serving the broadband, energy, enterprise, and banking industries. Through its wholly-owned subsidiary Utility Resource Collaborative (URC), Vantage Point brings decades of wildfire experience and mitigation planning to electric utilities through powerful tools like DSAT, ultimately with the goal of helping safeguard  lives and infrastructure.


Customers leading the way

Consumers Power Inc


Consumer Powers, Inc (CPI) is an innovative electric provider in Central Oregon, serving more than 23,000. With a vast region spanning more than 3,500 square miles from the Oregon Coast to the Cascade Range, the safety team at CPI is always on the alert for fires. By leveraging the existing Tempest Network together with DSAT, the operations teams at CPI now has a comprehensive set of tools to make highly informed decisions.

Missoula Electric Cooperative


Missoula Electric Cooperative (MEC) has been providing power to members in Montana and Idaho since 1936 with a commitment to safety. Due to the complex topography and vast territory in Montana and Idaho, wildfire is top-of-mind. The team at MEC monitors real time weather conditions using TempestOne Ops Console and references the DSAT each day to make fire safety decisions.

Get started today !

Contact our team and we’ll show you exactly how you can use Tempest and DSAT to dramatically reduce the risk of utility-caused wildfires.

Contact Us Now